*NOTE: If you wish to share this article with others, all I ask is that I get credit as author, and that the article is NOT ALTERED. Ifanyone wants to add something to this, please do it in another article(you can even ZIP it up with this one).

I credit so many, many Good Folk, authors and non-writers alike, with the ideas contained below; I just gathered them, arranged them the way I like, used them, and wrote them up to share with yet more people. The whole correspondence-thing, for me, was started by Starhawk and Diane Stein, and continued by Amber K.; they have my thanks and my admiration. I highly recommend their works.

"Magickal Correspondences" by Blackwood (Kimberlee Simmons), 9/11/96

First off, let me just say that the list shown is a partial list of my *PERSONAL* correspondences, and does not dictate what "should be". Everyone's personal correspondences vary to one degree or another, and this is perfectly normal and fine. All correspondences do is speak to our more primal self (called "The Id" and "Younger Self" on occassion), our emotional/instinctual self. So, naturally, everyone's will be different.

Magickal Correspondences is like a magickal language of sorts. They represent certain archtypes or ideas that speak to us. In my humble opinion, it is very important for a group that will be working together to have similar correspondenes, or at *least* to be able to agree consciously on symbols that will be used while working togther.

At this point, let me be a bit more specific. Most Magickal Folks "call the quarters", or "summon the elements" for one purpose or another at some time or other. When this is done, certain colors, animals, trees, or other symbols are used as either representatives of that quarter or element, or as objects to attract said element or quarter (in a "like attracts like" mindset). If the symbols used are not agreed upon by all participating in the ritual, the energy will not be as focused, due to the subconscious not reacting to the given stimulus.

Example: Richie grew up in Bermuda, where the ocean is a beautiful bright turquoise color (you've seen the tv ads, right?). Helen grew up in Maine, where the stormy, cold sea was a grayish blue. When they do ritual, to summon the element of Water, what color would they use? If they use the color Helen is used to, and Richie is not familiar with why Helen uses it, it won't make sense to him, on an unconscious level, why that color is used for water, so he won't be totally focused on the ritual or it's purpose. Same thing if the situation were reversed.

Helen and Richie should sit down *before* they do the ritual and discuss what correspondences they will be using. Many people leave this out of their group ritual planning, assuming everyone "speaks the same language".

Not everyone can or will agree to certain colors for the directions, quarters or elements. But that's alright! There are many other symbols one can use in place of, or in addition to, colors (or whatever else people can't agree on). My best friend and I can't agree on a color for North/Earth. She feels it should be white, while I think it should be green. So, instead, when we do ritual together, we use a crystal cluster and a *brown* candle (brown for the color of dirt! ), or a white candle (which to me is very generic; when we do that we use white for *all* the candles).

When you make up your list of correspondences, use what is instinctual. If you are confused or can't decide on an item, go ahead and use *all* of them! It doesn't matter if you see a horse as an animal represnting both Water (Poseiden created horses in Greek mythology) *and* Earth (large horses plowing the land and swift race horses gifted with ease of movement over the earth). Use what *you* feel is right!

At the end of my list is a blank for you may want to print out and fill in for each quarter. If you would like it in plain ascii text form, click here. If you want to add more catagories, that's wonderful! And don't worry if someone tells you your correspondences are "wrong". They are *your* personal choice and *your* personal feelings, and no one can say if they are wrong for you! And it's alright if your personal list is different from a coven or circle you will or do work with. The important thing is that you understand and can either work with what they use or can mentally substitute your own correspondence so that you can contribute to the ritual easily and comfortably.

Also, if you just can't do either of the above, don't be ashamed to not take part in the circle. Just go to the Priest or Priestess who is leading or whoever is in charge and explain why you can't participate. They will most likely thank you for your honesty and concern for their ritual, and may even have a solution so that you may participate! Above all, remember that just because your correspondences are different than others, it doesn't make you any less a "real Wiccan" (whatever *that* is, in this day and age of self-initaiations, solitaries, and wonderfully varied Traditions, both old and new).

The utimate choice is obviously up to you--the choice to use or to not use set correspondences, to co-ordinate or alter them to fit into a group you may work with, or may come to work with, if you decide to define your personal correspondences. And it is up to *you*--and the gods--to define what those correspondences are, which ones to use, and how you can use them in your rituals.

I wish you and yours many, many blessings.


A Note On the Quarter of "SPIRIT":
This is a tricky one. In my case, and in many of the cases of people I know of, there isn't any correlation for many of the catagories for SPIRIT as there are for the other 4 quarters (many folks sau "quarters" is a misnomer, as there are *5* quarters, if you include SPIRIT; I say SPIRIT is a unification of them all and thus beyond them, but I've found it is prudent to decide on correspondences for it. If you like, don't use SPIRIT as an element or "quarter". It's *YOUR* list!).

Some of my correspondences (in no peticular order):

North .............East.........South............West.............Center
Winter..........Spring.....Summer......Autumn.........All Year
Green..........Yellow........Red.............Blue...........All & None
Night ............Dawn........Noon.........Twilight.......Beyond time
Pentacles....Wands.........Swords........Cups....Major Arcana
Sphynx.........Unicorn.........Dragon.....Sea Serpent....All Creatures

Blackwood's Magickal Correspondences Chart:
Direction:_____________ Element:_____________ Season:_____________

Ritual Tool(s):______________________________ Time:________________

Sense:______________ Metal:_______________ Kingdom:_______________

Self Aspect:_____________________ Life Aspect:_____________________

Ritual Aspect:_____________________ Geometric Shape:_______________

Elemental Spirit:_____________ Elemental Spirit Ruler:_____________




Bodily Humour (Fluid):________________ Tarot Suit:_________________

Major Arcana:______________________ (Arch)Angel:___________________

Geographal Feature:___________________ Wind Name:__________________

Incense:___________________ Chakras:_______________________________

Flower:________________ Tree:_______________ Plant:_______________

Body Part:_________________________ Celtic Name:___________________

Type of Magick:_____________________________________________________

Reflections in Humanity:____________________________________________


Mythical Creatures:_________________________________________________



Other Symbols:______________________________________________________

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