Animated Candlabra Hail and welcome to Blackwood Manor. Animated Candlabra

I am your hostess, Morgaine Blackwood of the shire of Frosted Hills. Blackwood Manor is my home, and I welcome you in the name of my clan. Come in, take off your cloak, and sit here by the fire and warm yourself. When you have rested, you may explore the manor. Within these halls lie many doors, and behind each door await many different things. Wander as you will; I hope you enjoy your stay at Blackwood Manor.

Stained Glass Bar

The Library..................................The Conservatory............................ The Ladys Solar
The Chapel .................................The Kitchens..............................The Infirmary
The Garden..................................The Ballroom ............................The Greenhouse
The Armory ................................The Dungeons............................The Workroom
The Stables....................................The Store Rooms.............................. The Village Square

Stained Glass Bar

Please feel free to correspond after your visit; I love hearing comments on the manor.Email Morgaine Blackwood Here